
Graduates, undergraduates and one faculty member received awards for the achievements in sustainability during the Sustainability Expo & Awards Ceremony

Sustainability Expo and Awards Fall 2019

2019 recipients of the John Roe Sustainability Awards, pictured above, each received a piece of handmade ceramic pottery by artist and Penn State graduate student John Domenico, who also spoke during the event.

Penn State TLT Operations Team Award winners standing in front of a screen

Penn State IT awarded the 2019 Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) Advantage Contributors Institutional Leadership Award at the IMS Global Learning Impact Institute in San Diego

Penn State IT awarded the 2019 Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) Advantage Contributors Institutional Leadership Award at the IMS Global Learning Impact Institute in San Diego on May 23, 2019. Pictured (left to right): Tony Anderson, Penn State learning tools and learning management system manager, TLT director of operations Terry O’Heron, and learning tools project manager Kristen Lytle at the IMS Global Learning Impact Institute in San Diego. 

A woman stands to speak, surrounded by other students in an auditorium.

Inaugural Drawdown Scholars class arrives at Penn State

Fifty-five undergraduate students from across the country have arrived at Penn State to take part in the first-ever Drawdown Scholars Research Experience for Undergraduates Program. Dubbed Drawdown Scholars, the students will spend eight weeks embedded in research programs across the University, with the aim of investigating positive solutions-orientated paths to take action on climate change.